At One Stop Dentistry we love treating children. Children Dentistry is very critical in growth and development of a growing person.
Some parents overlook the health of a child’s teeth thinking since children teeth are followed by adult teeth, they are not as important as permanent teeth. This is a very wrong belief. Even though deciduous teeth are eventually replaced by permanent teeth they play an important role in proper growth and development of facial bones and proper growth of the permanent teeth. Without baby teeth jaw will not grow large enough to house the permanent teeth. If a child loses his/ her teeth at an early age due to cavity and infection other teeth will shift and close up the pathway to proper eruption of permanent teeth.
Children dentistry is not only about teeth at all. There are numerous anomalies and diseases in children which are diagnosed by the dentist. For example Proper growth of the facial structures is dependent on proper airway and breathing. Through regular routine exams dentist look for signs of improper growth of the face and necessary interventions right at the beginning. Quality nutrition and establishing proper oral hygiene habits for life start with children dentistry.